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A Bone of Contention
Thimblerig Survival System
Dr. Pez, Thimblerig Research Founder/Kingpin a painted Flight of Fancy
Steampunk Blaster-Emitter

The THIMBLERIG RESEARCH GROUP OF COMPANIES was chartered in the early days of the last century by Artist, Writer, Inventor, Adventurer, Thaumaturgic Cartographer, and Mystagogue Dr. M. Djimbo Pez and his Co-Adjutant and trusty sidekick Enoch Brasso Smeavey. From the township-sized blocks of specialized industrial structures located in the arid and dusty hills somewhere in the Old Californ, THIMBLERIG RESEARCH remains  at the cutting edge and pointy end of future-retro technologies


THIMBLERIG RESEARCH is at the epicenter of tenacious inquiry and the application of speculative solutions to the vexing enigmas of the cosmos, and continues its core mission to bring enlightenment and divertissements to an overwrought and gloomy world.



The Steampunk Ray Gun, the Cabinet of Curiosity, Painted Skulls, , Bones, and Painting and Drawing by Artist. 

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